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Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

South Carolinians should vote for me because I’m America First, not Ukraine First. I would NEVER vote to take away the constitutional rights of my constituents, as Joe Wilson did by voting for FISA without warrants. I hate the political swamp. As a South Carolina boy, born and bred, I plan to return home to my state every chance I get so I can be your true voice in Congress.

What is your top domestic priority?

My number one domestic priority is to get the border closed and under control. Our safety and security depend on it. 

What is your top international priority?

Our country desperately needs to address China’s multi-pronged attack on the U.S. through their:

  • Promotion of fentanyl poisoning causing the deaths of countless Americans;
  • Creation of illegal bioweapon facilities (some of which are in the U.S.);
  • Intellectual property theft;
  • Buying up U.S. farmland, in large part to spy on our military facilities;
  • Creation of illegal CCP "police stations" in our cities;
  • Communist indoctrination through Confucius Centers; and
  • Aggressive behavior toward our allies, such as the Philippines.

The list could go on and on. It is foolish to treat China as a mere competitor when we're in an undeclared all-out war.

How would you balance concerns over our climate with our economic and energy needs?

A lot of folks are caught up by propaganda and what they think sounds good for the environment that, when you delve into it, really isn't. We need to educate folks on the true facts. At the moment, natural gas is the cleanest, safest, most dependable energy source currently available. Why do I say that:

  • Nuclear energy is clean and dependable, but there's the challenge of the leftover radioactive waste.
  • Hydroelectric can be a problem for fish and depends on stable water levels. Come drought, you've got a problem.
  • Windmills and solar energy are weather-dependent and require strip mining for lithium, which empowers China. There's also the inability to repair or recycle their parts, killing off birds and, how they effect the fishing industry and the migration of endangered whales.

Energy runs this country. As we grow, especially with the push for electric vehicles, our grid will need to improve with it in a way that's dependable. For now, that means liquified natural gas, though continued research and development may offer us better options in the future.

Hamp Redmond for U.S. Congress
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