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headshot of Hamp RedmondMeet Hamp

My family has lived in South Carolina for generations, so my roots go deep here. I'm a married man with kids and grandkids. My values come from my strong Christian faith in God and being raised to be honest and treat folks right. I believe in hard work--not the constant vacations that Congress seems to take. I started my career as a humble carpenter and worked my way up to owning my own contractor business in Swansea, South Carolina. So I understand what it's like to create jobs, sign a paycheck, and live on a budget. I'd like to put some of those skills to use in Congress--particularly the part about understanding how not to spend money you don't have.

I'm a trustee at my Church and have volunteered myself and paid for my crew to help with many Habitat for Humanity projects.

Hamp Redmond for U.S. Congress
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