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I will vote, support, and act to:

  1. Close the U.S. border and stop the illegal and improper immigration into the States, especially South Carolina.
  2. Give President Trump the resources and manpower to conduct the largest deportation operation in American history.
  3. End the inflation of the U.S. Dollar through a sound Free Market Fiscal policy at the federal level. This will stop the rise in the Consumer Price Index hurting us at the grocery store and in all prices now. (DJT calls this Make America Affordable Again.)
  4. Return America, especially South Carolina, to being a net energy exporter producing cheap energy to promote our economic growth and industry and selling that surplus to the world at a profit for our workers and their families.

    And through that energy policy, return to South Carolina workers those thousands of jobs they historically held in producing electricity, oil, and refined fuels like gasoline and natural gas. (Make SC Great Again.)

    Use that energy policy to help rebuild America’s and South Carolina’s manufacturing base that made America prosperous since her founding.

  5. Roll back the unconstitutional legislative infringement on your God-given right to keep and bear arms, including:

    • Stopping de facto gun registry;
    • Mandatory federal gun buy-backs (proposed by Kamala Harris);
    • ATF overreach, as seen in federal court battles over unconstitutional and extra-legislative “rules and regulations” made by unelected bureaucrats with strict enforcement of the government limitations created by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (Yes, I know that amendment has nothing to do with hunting.)

    Keep the federal government out of the abortion issue based on the latest SCOTUS decision so that South Carolinians are not outvoted by states like California and forced to accept their stance on this critical moral issue, and defund Planned Parenthood and any such like NGO that exists to promote abortion rather than actual women’s health and wellbeing.

    LOWER YOUR TAXES, including supporting a change in the current federal tax code exempting tips from taxation. NO TAX ON TIPS!

  6. Enforce and defend the U.S. Constitution and the S.C. Constitution, especially their protections on your right to freedom, chiefly religious freedom and their restrictions and limitations on federal, state, county, and municipal government.
  7. STOP WARS ABROAD by defunding the Ukrainian War and blocking U.S. military interventions in foreign conflicts by restricting U.S. Forces to defend America and fight only when America is attacked.
  8. Strive to see that money is not sent by the billions to our enemies abroad while our local economy and citizens are suffering, as charity begins at home!
  9. Stop the use of the Department of Justice as a weapon against grandmas who went to rallies in D.C., candidates for U.S. president, and Americans who disagree with their government peacefully and patriotically!
  10. Promote necessary laws to stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels that operate in America and South Carolina, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders.
  11. Provide for the common defense and general welfare once again so that our infrastructure is rebuilt, restored, and we make S.C. and America beautiful again.
  12. Strengthen the constitutional branches of our military by returning their policies and standards to those that made them the strongest in the world and providing the most modern tools to that end so that we insure peace through strength and avoidance of conflict.
  13. Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
  14. Fight cuts and any change to the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare, as well as ensure that those benefits are paid only to U.S. Citizens - the ones who paid into those programs.
  15. Work with President Trump in his plan to “cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations."
  16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children, and to promote the end of the Department of Education as promised by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1979.
  17. Protect girls and women’s sports by keeping men out of them.
  18. Support President Trump’s plan to “Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again."
  19. Bring back election integrity to the U.S.A. and South Carolina, especially with paper ballots, same-day voting, proper voter identification, and proof of citizenship. State voting procedures affect other States, making this a federal issue and not merely a States' authority issue.
  20. Unite our country by restoring our economy and offering opportunity for all Americans, while also protecting our rights to disagree and debate each other publicly.
  21. Stand against socialism and communism in all its forms that try to undermine, overcome, or replace the American constitutional republic formed at the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, the United States of America.

Hamp Redmond for U.S. Congress
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